Jeżeli więc ustami swoimi wyznasz, że Jezus jest Panem, i w sercu swoim uwierzysz, że Bóg Go wskrzesił z martwych -  osiągniesz zbawienie.
Bo sercem przyjęta wiara prowadzi do usprawiedliwienia, a wyznawanie jej ustami - do zbawienia. (Rz 10,8-13)

Ahsoka leaves the Jedi Order



Ahsoka leaves the Jedi Order


 The Clone Wars:
Season 5, Episode 20
"The Wrong Jedi" (Niewłaściwa Jedi)




Obi Wan Kenobi: Surely we cannot do
          what Tarkin suggests.
          We need to stand together with Ahsoka.

Ki-Adi-Mundi: And yet there's evidence
              that she is indeed
             the mastermind behind the attack
            on the Temple.

Saesee Tiin: She was found in possession
               of nanodroid explosives.
              This alone is enough to convict her.

Mace WinduI understand your sentiment,

              but if the Council does as you suggest,
              it could be seen as an act of opposition
               to the Senate.
               I'm afraid we have little choice.

Yoda:   Hmm.
           To the Chamber of Judgment,
           summon Skywalker and his Padawan,
            and in our decision,
           may the Force guide us.





Yoda:    Padawan Tano,
             serious charges
             have been levied against you.
             How plead you?

Ahsoka Tano: Not guilty, Master.
               I would never take the lives
               of innocents.
             The values of the Jedi are sacred to me.



Ahsoka Tano: No, I was set up and deceived,
                   as you are being deceived now.

Mace WinduThe question is, Padawan Tano,
              who is deceiving us?
               Ventress, you, or someone else?

Ahsoka TanoI am not deceiving you.


Anakin Skywalker: You've already made
                 your decision, haven't you?
                This meeting is just a formality!

Yoda:   Reached a decision, we have,
           though not in total agreement are we.

Mace WinduIt is the Council's opinion
               that Padawan Ahsoka Tano
               has committed sedition
               against the Republic,
              and thus, she will be expelled
                 from the Jedi Order.

Anakin Skywalker:  You can't do this!

Ki-Adi-MundiYour Padawan status
                   will be stripped from you,
                    and you shall forfeit
                   all rank and privileges
                    within the Grand Army of the Republic.

                    You will be turned over
                    to the Republic courts

                    to await your trail

                    and whatever punishment
                    they will set for you.

                    Henceforth, you are barred
                    from the Jedi Order.




Asajj Ventress: (...) but then I realized
              your fallen Padawan and I
              had a lot in common.

Anakin Skywalker:How dare you compare yourself to Ahsoka?
Asajj Ventress: It's true.
              My master abandoned me,
              and that's exactly what you did to her,
              you and your precious Jedi Order.



Anakin Skywalker: Ahsoka trusted you,
                      and you betrayed her.

Barriss Offee: I've learned that trust is overrated.

                  The only thing
                 the Jedi Council believes in

                 is violence.







Anakin Skywalker:  Ahsoka,
             I am so sorry
             about everything.

Plo Koon: You have our most humble apologies,
             ittle 'Soka.
             The Council was wrong to accuse you.

Saesee Tiin: You have shown such
            great strength and resilience
           in your struggle
           to prove your innocence.

Ki-Adi-Mundi: This is the true sign of a Jedi Knight.

Mace Windu: This was actually your great trial.
          Now we see that.
          We understand that the Force
          works in mysterious ways,
          and because of this trial,
         you have become a greater Jedi
         than you would have otherwise.

Yoda:  Back into the Order you may come.



Anakin Skywalker: 
They're asking you back, Ahsoka.

             I'm asking you back.




Ahsoka Tano: I'm sorry, Master,
            but I'm not coming back.




Anakin Skywalker: 
Ahsoka, wait!

            Ahsoka, I need to talk to you.
            Why are you doing this?

Ahsoka Tano: The Council didn't trust me,
            so how can I trust myself?

Anakin Skywalker: What about me?
            I believed in you.
            I stood by you.

Ahsoka Tano: I know you believe in me, Anakin,
            and I'm grateful for that.
            But this isn't about you.
            I can't stay here any longer,
            not now.

Anakin Skywalker: The Jedi Order is your life.
            You can't just throw it away like this.
             Ahsoka, you are making a mistake.

Ahsoka Tano: Maybe, but I have
            to sort this out on my own,
             without the Council
            and without you.

Anakin Skywalker: I understand.
            More than you realize,
            I understand wanting
            to walk away from the Order.

Ahsoka Tano: I know.











This is the tragic moment where Ahsoka Tano leaves the Jedi Order. Having been proven innocent, Ahsoka Tano stands before the Jedi order, ready to make a choice that will reshape both her life, and perhaps even that of the Galaxy, as seen in the edit of Clone Wars Season 5's finale, "The Wrong Jedi".

The Jedi knew Ahsoka was innocent, but they needed a face to condemn, so it wouldn't affect their public reputation. They were all corrupt. They deserved their downfall.




See as well


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